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General Questions

Q: Why Nepal?

Nepal has been plagued by years of government and social unrest, and the children of Nepal are the ones who bears the side effects of societal unease. There is great need for help in Nepal; social issues such as government supported schools have been overshadowed by political turmoil. To end the heart- breaking cycle of poverty, the team at NEIO believes that the key is in education. NEIO endeavors to not only provide an education environment but also a temporary living situation so that these children can focus on attaining an education. Physical connectivity problems continues to plague the country; most villages are not connected by a road, and requires long hours of trekking through the mountains for these children to arrive to school.

Q: Why are we helping the children in Nepal?

40,000 children displaced
34% child labor rate
50% of population under 23 years old
70% of Nepalese children begin elementary school
Half drop out before fifth grade
24% of children enrolled in secondary education
Half of girls are illiterate
34% of girls in arrange marriages before age 16
36% children underweight
High risk of infectious diseases
83% live in rural areas
1 doctor for every 5,000 people
157th out of 187 countries in Human Development Index
ref: United Nations Human Development Report, UNESCO, World Bank Organization, UNICEF.

Nepal has been plagued by years of government and social unrest, and the children of Nepal are the ones who bears the side effects of societal unease. There is great need for help in Nepal; social issues such as government supported schools have been overshadowed by political turmoil. To end the heart- breaking cycle of poverty, the team at NEIO believes that the key is in education. NEIO endeavors to not only provide an education environment but also a temporary living situation so that these children can focus on attaining an education. Physical connectivity problems continues to plague the country; most villages are not connected by a road, and requires long hours of trekking through the mountains for these children to arrive to school.

Q: Who is NEIO? What is our mission?

NEIO is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco formed by a group of volunteers. NEIO’s mission is to provide a sustainable educational environment for the children living in geographically disadvantaged regions, with the intention to empower them to break the cycle of socioeconomic poverty for a better future.

Q: What is important about educating children in Nepal?

Less than half of the population (~48.6%, 2001 Census Bureau) over the age of 15 in Nepal are literate, the school life expectancy on average is about 9 years (Reference: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/np.html).

Through the power of education, the young generations in Nepal will be better equipped to contribute to the economic development of their country, and gradually break the cycle of poverty.

Q: How are donations spent?

Donations are being spent on getting the construction materials, transportation, and labor costs.

Since none of the members of the organization draws a salary, donations are used towards the mission of NEIO and no substantial administrative expenses are incurred.

Donors are welcomed to direct their donations specifically towards the cost of books, uniforms, supplies or any other need for the children or the organization.

Q: What is unique about NEIO and the support we provide?

Donations to other charitable organizations do not specifically help the remote villages that we are helping. These villages are not being assisted by organizations such as UNICEF etc.

Q: What model of education is practiced at the school?

The school adopts the standard practice recognized by the Government of Nepal. The school is in session 6 days a week from 9 AM to 4 PM. Classes are specialized per subject area and the teachers rotate to teach specific subjects.

Q: What language(s) are classes being taught in?

Some schools medium of education is English and some is Nepali.

Q: Tell me something about the children who are being educated, such as their culture, religious & political beliefs.

The children attending these schools come from Buddhist families. The village is their world, and many of them have never been outside of their village and not experienced things that we in the west consider ordinary (such as riding in cars/buses, etc). They are always smiling and are cheerful despite of their economic hardships. They are very humble and respectful children.

The school gives the children hope, and makes them feel that they are getting a realistic chance to improve their living conditions. During study times, they are not shy to read their books out loud with pride as though no one in the world can read as loud and as well as they can.

They understand that education is a privilege their parents were not afforded, and are extremely committed to giving their all to their studies.

Q: Will the children who are being educated be able to put their education to use?

How so? How does the culture, family structure, local economy allow for it?

The goal of any education is to train its recipients to use it effectively.

Culturally, the villagers understand the importance of education, and would like their children to be educated and given the chance to move up the social and economic ladders. The village communities are tight-knit, and educated members of the community feel a strong sense of obligation to give back.

One of the examples who pay a tribute to these values is Ongdi Lama a former student of the Nakote School. He was one of the first students of the school, and is now a teacher at the school. He has been doing an excellent job of teaching subjects such as English, Social Studies and Physical Education.

He is also gracious enough to host NEIO volunteers and was instrumental in liaising as an English translator between local villagers and NEIO