
NEIO / All Categories  / New Beginnings- Singhadevi Temporary Learning Centre goes live!

New Beginnings- Singhadevi Temporary Learning Centre goes live!

Hi all,
We have some great news to share. Singhadevi Temporary Learning Centre (TLC) has begun operating this month. Big round of applause to Shreekrishna Shrestha, his villagers and Chiring Lama, our NEIO Field Manager who made this possible.

37 students are attending this school with more expected after the monsoon season. There are five teachers currently working there. The size of the Singhadevi TLC is 40 ft by 20 ft. There are three rooms that are 15 ft. by 12.5 ft.

The project was executed efficiently. Thanks to the locals pictured below who worked hard to make this project a reality.

Thank you all for your continuing support.

Singhadevi (3) TLC Sinhadevi (6) TLC Sinhadevi (10) TLC Sinhadevi (12) TLC Sinhadevi (11) TLC Sinhadevi (1)

TLC Singhadevi