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Below are pictures from Tarkegang, Nagkote, Dujom, MalamchiGyang villages in Helambu region. As you can see, the destruction in the area is substantial and many people are homeless. Nakote and Nurbuling are only 1 mile and 3.7 miles from Tarkegang (first picture), respectively. The pictures were taken by Sangye Hyolmo the helicopter pilot. Thank you...

We got further update from our local contact that food is lacking in the region. All are surviving on limited food including students of nurbuling school. He's asking for immediate help to provide food for the students. It costs about $0.65 per day to feed one student. This will allow the students to stay in...

We are sad to report that the principal of Nurbuling school as well as two small children at the school have lost their lives as a result of the earthquake. Several other children were injured. We also confirmed that the Nurbuling school had sustained some damage including a collapsed kitchen and damaged office buildings. Our...

We have reached out to members of the Helambu community to find out more about the current conditions following the April 25th, 2015 earthquake. We have heard from four local contacts, including a helicopter relief worker, that "people have lost their lives, all houses are demolished, and people are worried about food sources." A contact in...

As you know Nepal was hit with a tragic earthquake recently. We are still trying to reach our contacts over there to make sure everyone is safe. As we hear back, we will keep you updated. In the meanwhile, please send your prayers and best wishes that way....