
NEIO /  Blog

We would like to extend a warm thank you all those who came out to support NEIO at the March 22nd Drink for a Cause event.  A special thanks to the organizers of Drink for a Cause for hosting NEIO this month!  It was a huge turnout!  We raised a total of $3,675 from door...

Please come out and support NEIO on March 22nd from 6-10PM at the Infusion Lounge in San Francisco!  This is the second time Drink for a Cause will be hosting the  fundraising event for NEIO.  The relationship between NEIO and Drink for a Cause dated back from Sept 14, 2009 when Drink for a Cause...

The children are our future.  We must pass down the best possible knowledge of the current generation and also empower them the ability to think and to innovate in the world that has become ever so fast-paced and ever changing through globalization.  Most importantly, our generation is also responsible to pass down the most-up-to-date education...